Wood moving on a conveyor.

Logs sitting on a conveyor.

One of our CNC Laser machines used to cut and engrave many of our wood products.

Wood moving on a conveyor.
Putting Human and Natural Resources to Work in Michigan's Northeast Since 1968
Welcome To NEMROC, Inc.
Founded in 1968 with three clients and one staff member, North Eastern Michigan Rehabilitation and Opportunity Center, Inc. (NEMROC) today employs 100+ workers with disabilities.
NEMROC Inc. is an established manufacturing company located in Northeast Michigan. Our main product lines include a variety of wood based products and vinyl chair mats. We also provide services aimed at helping individuals in our local community.
We're a non-profit organization whose main focus is to employ individuals with mental, physical, and social disabilities. These individuals are the backbone in manufacturing the products and services we provide.
Our Goals
To develop and maintain economic stability so that conditions are present to fulfill all other goals.
Expand products and service opportunities to better serve individuals with disabilities in North Eastern Michigan.
To increase the number of hours of employment for individuals with disabilities.
Offer a greater variety of jobs and training opportunities to promote individual satisfaction.